- Mt Pleasant Elementary School District
- Learning Resources
Supplemental activities for students working from home
Please find below links with valuable information and resources designed to support our students and families. The role of parents is crucial, and we appreciate your patience and collaboration during these extraordinary times.
Activities for TK to 2nd Grade students, to encourage literacy every day (for example, drawing your favorite character from a book and writing five words that explain why, or talking with a member of your family about a book you enjoyed). You can choose one or more activities to complete each day of work online and do extra projects. These activities are to supplement what teachers are already assigning.
TK to 2nd Grade Students (English)
Actividades para estudiantes de TK a 2do Grado, para fomentar la alfabetización cada día (por ejemplo, dibujar su personaje favorito de un libro y escribir cinco palabras que expliquen porqué, o platicar con un miembro de su familia sobre un libro que le gustó mucho). Pueden elegir una o más actividades para complementar cada día de trabajo por internet y hacer proyectos extra. Éstas actividades complementan lo que los maestros ya están asignando.
TK to 2nd Grade Students (Spanish)
Activities for 3rd to 5th Grade students, promoting reading and writing (such us rewriting a fairy tale, making it your own, or talking or writing about a book you are reading, explaining what the problem was in the story, and how it ended). You can choose one or more activities to complete each day of work online and do extra projects. These activities are to supplement what teachers are already assigning.
Actividades para estudiantes de 3ero a 5to Grado, promoviendo lectura y escritura (incluido hacer su propia version de un cuento de hadas, platicar o escribir sobre un libro que estén leyendo, describir cuál era el problema a resolver en la historia, y cómo resultó el final). Pueden elegir una o más actividades para complementar cada día de trabajo por internet y hacer proyectos extra. Éstas actividades complementan lo que los maestros ya están asignando.
3rd to 5th Grade Students (in Spanish
Activities for 6th to 8th Grade students, including reading, writing summaries and drawing, even helping your family prepare a healthy meal. You can choose one or more activities to complete each day of work online and do supplemental projects. These activities are to supplement what teachers are already assigning.