2023-2024 California Department of Public Health Updated COVID-19 Guidelines

  • COVID-19 Response Overview

    The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated its COVID-19 guidelines.  Please take a moment to review this brief email to understand the changes that our District will implement based on these new guidelines. 


    Per CDPH updates released on January 9th, 2024, COVID-19 isolation requirements move away from five days of isolation and instead focus on clinical symptoms to determine when to end isolation. 


    Staff and students are still required to report if they are COVID-19 positive to their school offices/supervisors. 


    Please note the updates below for COVID-19-positive individuals: 


    1. Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.

      • If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the recommendations below to reduce exposure to others. 

      • You may attend school or work if you are asymptomatic. 

      • Review the CDPH symptom guidance to confirm when your child is ready to return to school: Considerations when a Child has Symptoms of Illness in Child Care or School

      • The potential infectious period is 2 days before the date of symptoms began or the positive test date (if no symptoms) through Day 10. (Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date). 


    1. Per CalOsha, COVID-19-positive staff are required to masks when they are around other people indoors for the 10 days after they become sick or test positive (if no symptoms).  Staff may remove their mask sooner than 10 days if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.  Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date. 


    1. It is strongly recommended that COVID-19-positive students wear a mask when they are around other people indoors for 10 days after they become sick or test positive (if there are no symptoms). 


    1. Avoid contact with people at higher risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days. Higher-risk individuals include the elderly, those who live in congregate care facilities, those who have immunocompromising conditions, and that put them at higher risk for serious illness.


    1. Seek Treatment. If you have symptoms, particularly if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19, speak with a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive. You may be eligible for antiviral medicines or other treatments for COVID-19. COVID-19 antiviral medicines work best if taken as soon as possible and within 5–7 days from when symptoms start. 

      • Call 1-833-422-4255 if you are unable to contact a healthcare provider, or use the treatment options to find one.


    6. Masks and COVID-19 test kits are available at each school site and the district office.


    If you have any questions regarding these new protocols and policies, please contact your school’s front office. 



    For information in Spanish, please click here:  COVID-19 Updates


    For information in Vietnamese please click here:  COVID-19 Updates


















Form for Free COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth at school event