The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students, that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets.
The members of the council can self-nominate are elected by their peers.
There are approximately four meetings per year.
The SCC is a great way to make a difference.
To apply, please contact the Principal, Ms. Topete, at rtopete@mpesd.org.
Elections of council members will be held each year (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER). The newly elected members will be seated at the OCTOBER meeting when the vote is certified by the SSC at that meeting.
Annually, the School Site Council will establish an Election Committee composed of a teacher, other school personnel, parent and student, if appropriate, to oversee the election of council members.
Election Committee: The duties of the committee shall be to supervise the election procedure, to identify nominees on the basis of the nominating procedure, to unseal and count the ballots, and to declare elected representatives on the basis of the election procedure.
The following procedures shall be followed in nominating candidates and selecting/electing council members:
- Teachers: (Self nomination via written notification to the principal)
- Parent/Guardians: (Self nomination via form sent home in mail, email and posted to our website )
- Other School Personnel: (Self Nomination via written notification to the principal)
Election ballots shall be prepared by the Election Committee with the assistance of the principal and shall be distributed in the following manner to each peer group:
(Teacher and Other School Personnel will select members at the first staff meeting after the close of the nomination period via secret ballot or simple show of hands as determined by the groups at their meeting. In case of minimal nomination (i.e.: nominations equal to open positions) the winner(s) will be declared at that meeting and published in their minutes and the SSC Chair notified.)
(Parent and Community Members, at the close of the nomination period, if there are more candidates than open positions, ballots will be sent home via mail and email, and the ballots will clearly indicate the close of the voting period when the ballots need to be returned to be included in the vote count. At the subsequent SSC meeting, the results of the election shall be published and posted on the school bulletin board opposite the office and notice included in next regular school newsletter. If the number of nominations is equal to the open positions, the winners will be declared and published. If the nominations are less than the number of open positions, then the nominees will be seated and the nomination and election processes will be repeated for the remaining positions. Should the second round of nominee search fail to find an eligible candidate(s) the SSC Chair may, with the concurrence of the principal, appoint a willing candidate.