- Mt Pleasant Elementary School District
- Parcel Tax Measure K
- Measure H (June 2010)
- A Mount Pleasant Elementary School District parcel tax, Measure H ballot proposition was on the June 8, 2010 ballot for voters in the Mount Pleasant Elementary School District in Santa Clara County, where it was approved
- Measure H levied an annual parcel tax of $95 for five years.
- Continue improving the quality of local elementary schools by protecting reading, math and science programs, restoring libraries, music/art, retaining qualified teachers, including those for students with special needs and tutoring programs, maintaining updated classroom materials/computer technology, and reduce class size, shall Mount Pleasant Elementary School District levy an annual education tax of $95 per parcel for five years with an exemption for seniors, no funds for administrator’s salaries, independent citizen oversight and all funds benefiting local schools?
- Measure K (June 2014)
A Mount Pleasant School District Parcel Tax Renewal, Measure K ballot question was on the June 3, 2014 election ballot for voters in the Mount Pleasant School District in Santa Clara County, California, where it was approved.Measure K authorized the district to renew for seven years a parcel tax of $95 per parcel per year. This tax, which was set to expire in 2015, was originally approved by voters in 2010 as Measure H.
A two-thirds (66.67 percent) supermajority vote was required for approval of Measure
Meeting Dates:
- December 3, 2019
- January 15, 2020 Board Presentation
- May 19, 2020
Meeting Agendas:
Board of Trustee Presentation Slides:
Annual Budget:
Important Information:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Accountability Measures
- Request For Exemption (Seniors)
- Request for Refund
- Request for Exemption SSI Senior Occupant
- Measure K Mailer
- Measure H (June 2010)