about the Superintendent



Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Elida MacArthur

Dr. Elida MacArthur was selected as Superintendent by the Mount Pleasant Elementary School District’s Board of Trustees in August of 2020. With more than two decades of service to the District, she began her career as a Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion Teacher and worked her way through the ranks to her current role. Her background includes a Bachelors of Art and Master of Arts in Education from the University of California Santa Cruz, and a Master of Arts and Doctorate in Education from San Jose State University.  


MESSAGE from the Superintendent

  • Dear Mt. Pleasant Community,

    I am honored to serve as your Superintendent. I have been part of the Mount Pleasant Elementary School District for over twenty-three years. This is a community that I care deeply about as I have worked closely with so many students, families and staff over many years. I have had the privilege of seeing many of our students grow up before my eyes. Today they are raising families and pursuing successful careers. These are the experiences that inspire me every day to provide our students with the best possible educational opportunities. 

    During the Covid-19 pandemic, our team of teachers, staff, and administrators has been working especially hard to ensure the success of our students. This has been a difficult time for everyone, as we learn new routines and strategies, and navigate different challenges. As a district, we understand the need to support students’ emotional, social, and physical needs as a critical part of their education. We thank all of our parents, guardians and staff for their partnership during Distance Learning. Together, regardless of the way the instruction takes place, we are working to prepare our students for a bright future.

    Thank you for your flexibility and patience during these challenging times. We are so proud of our Mt. Pleasant community for the strength, resilience and commitment that you bring every day. We look forward to a time when we can all be together again. Stay safe!


    Dr. Elida MacArthur
