- Mt Pleasant Elementary School District
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Household Income Form
We want to reiterate that all students are now eligible for free meals at school, regardless of their household income. This is a historic decision by the state of California to provide support to children. So they can reach their full potential.
We still ask parents to please fill out a household income form to help the district receive critical funding that our community relies upon (including after-school and counseling programs).
Thank you for your collaboration!
Household Income Form (Spanish)
Household Income Form (Vietnamese)
Please find below a couple of links to a video regarding food service and the importance of completing the NSLP Applications.
- English: https://youtu.be/
R3vgo3O8zZc - Spanish: https://youtu.be/
Mt. Pleasant Elm. School District
Offers breakfast, lunch, and after-school snack programs, which are federally funded.
The program is available to all students at no cost. For children, the program provides a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily.
For parents, the program offers convenient methods of providing a nutritious balanced breakfast and lunch for their children. We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (408) 223-3713.
Our menus offer tasty and nutritious choices to help you plan your child’s meals at school. All menu items comply with the USDA standards for school lunch and breakfast, which include fresh, local fruits and vegetables every day, all at no cost to our students.
El distrito escolar de Mt. Pleasant
ofrece programas de desayuno, almuerzo y botanas después de la escuela que son financiados de manera federal.
El programa está disponible para todos los alumnos sin costo alguno. Para los niños, el programa ofrece un nutritivo desayuno y almuerzo todos los días.
Para los padres, el programa ofrece métodos convenientes para proporcionar un desayuno y almuerzo nutritivo y equilibrado para sus hijos. ¡Nos gustaría saber de usted! Si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario, comuníquese con nosotros al (408) 223-3713.
Nuestros menús ofrecen opciones sabrosas y nutritivas para ayudarlo a planificar las comidas de su hijo en la escuela. Todos los elementos del menú cumplen con los estándares del USDA para el almuerzo escolar y el desayuno, que incluyen frutas y verduras frescas y locales todos los días, todo sin costo para nuestros alumnos.
- English: https://youtu.be/
Eric Burke
Food Services Consultant
Micaela Garcia
Account Clerk