Do you have concerns about your child's IEP? Are you interested in requesting Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

    Staff from the SELPA Office serve as part of the continuum of support available for families and community members navigating the complex system of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process. 
    Parents/guardians of families residing in the boundaries of the following districts can contact the SELPA Office at 408-223-3771 or complete a request form (below).  SELPA staff will respond to your call/request within 48 business hours.
    • Alum Rock Union School District
    • Berryessa Union School District
    • Evergreen Elementary School District
    • East Side Union High School District
    • Franklin McKinley School District
    • Gilroy Unified School District
    • Milpitas Unified School District
    • Morgan Hill Unified School District
    • Mount Pleasant Elementary School District
    • Oak Grove School District
    • Orchard School District

    For all other school districts in Santa Clara, please contact the other Santa Clara SELPA office.



    For all other school districts in Santa Clara, please contact the other Santa Clara SELPA office.

    In service to our community, the SELPA staff aims to resolve conflicts at the lowest level, preserving relationships with all members of the IEP team, and ensuring the IEP process is the foundation for positive, equitable student outcomes for all students with disabilities.  
    Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) involves providing alternative means of solving problems that arise between families and school teams. It is a process that provides the parties in conflict to utilize effective communication, collaboration, negotiation, and mediation strategies to control and shape their own agreement. The federal law emphasizes the use of ADR, whenever possible, to assist in resolving conflicts or disagreements.  The South East SELPA provides training opportunities in ADR strategies and techniques to assist IEP team members in developing and maintaining skills related to ADR.  When appropriate, SELPA can assist IEP teams in utilizing the ADR process.  These ADR processes strive to provide IEP teams within the South East SELPA a continuum of dispute resolution strategies to engage in different levels of intervention, including prevention, disagreement, and conflict resolution. 
    ADR services provided by the South East SELPA include communication with SELPA staff through telephone, meetings and/or email communication, IEP case support, IEP facilitation, and local mediation with neutral facilitators.  
    For more information about ADR or to request assistance, please contact the SELPA Office at 408-223-3771.
    ADR BROCHURE: Click here to see descriptions of support available  English
    ADR BROCHURE - Vietnamese
    ADR BROCHURE - Spanish