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    MPESD Important Safety Announcement

    Re: MPESD Important Safety Update

    Dear Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District Community:

    I am writing this letter to inform you that the District is aware of a new social media post that is circulating alleging the threat of a school shooting directed at August Boeger.

    We are in close contact with the San Jose Police Department, and they are actively investigating this issue. As you know, there have been other posts like this circulating in our community that have been under investigation. Concerning the issue yesterday, we have been informed that the threat to Mt. Pleasant High School was deemed not credible by local authorities and their campus community had a safe school day.

    It is important for you to know that we take this information very seriously and we will provide an update tomorrow, as this matter is being investigated. Thank you for your collaboration.


    Dr. Elida MacArthur 






    Un Aviso Importante sobre Seguridad

    Cập nhật quan trọng về sự an toàn tại MPESD

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    Re: MPESD Important Safety Announcement


    Dear Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District Community:


    I am writing this letter to inform you that the District is aware of a social media post that is circulating alleging the threat of a school shooting.


    Upon reviewing the post, we immediately contacted the San Jose Police Department. They informed the District that they were already aware of this social media post and that through their preliminary investigative process, they believe that the threat is to Mount Pleasant High School, not our school district.


    It is important for you to know that we take this information very seriously and are on high alert. We appreciate the efforts of parents and the community to bring this type of information forward. Keeping our community safe is a shared responsibility, and we must always be on alert. If you see something or hear something, say something.


    We have asked SJPD to increase the police presence in the area. If any additional information becomes available, we will share it with you.


    Thank you for your collaboration.


    Dr. Elida MacArthur



    Anuncio Importante sobre Seguridad

    Thông báo quan trọng về sự an toàn tại MPESD


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    Dear Families,


    We are pleased and excited to announce a new internet resource that East Side Union High School District, the County of Santa Clara, the City of San Jose, and Mount Pleasant School District have collaborated to provide Community Wi-Fi for our students.


    Through this Community Wi-Fi initiative, our students will gain free internet access for themselves and their families. This resource is primarily intended to help students complete their schoolwork, so please be aware that the internet speeds may not be optimal for activities like streaming Netflix.


    Attached is a step-by-step guide on how to create your respective accounts, how to get connected, and who to contact if you need technical assistance. The initial password is E@stside. For security purposes, please change your password and do not share it with others.


    Thank you for your continued support as we work together to ensure our students have the tools they need for success.


    Dr. Elida MacArthur



    Please click  here for the step-by-step guide on how to create your account.


    For information in Spanish or Vietnamese on Community Wi-Fi and how to create your account, please click on the links below:

    Spanish Wi-Fi Information

    Vietnamese Wi-Fi Information


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  • The August 2024 Newsletter is Here!

    English: https://conta.cc/3YyjqRB

    Spanish: https://conta.cc/4ciOGXR

    Vietnamese: https://conta.cc/3AdVCsa

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  • The Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District wants to recognize that this land is the traditional territory of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.  By adopting Land Acknowledgment Resolution #23/24-14, we thank the Muwekma Ohlone tribe, and other indigenous people for sharing this land with us today. 

    Please click on the link below to access the resolution in full.

    Land Acknowledgement Resolution

    Link to Resolution


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